Real Local Florists in the UK

Send Flowers Direct! Order from a Real Local Florist.

Enter a delivery postcode to find a real local flower shop, results show how far away each florist is from your required delivery location.

If you order online, in person or by telephone 100% of your money goes to the florist.

Connetcing you Direct with 500 Live Local Florists Today in the UK

This is a simple florist postcode lookup, it is not a search engine, by entering a delivery postcode you can find a florist by location, we all want to be as green as possible by going local, you can find the closest florist to your delivery location by searching Florist Window, "Your Window To Real Local Florists"

Who are we? - we develop ecommerce websites for florists, just real local florists, we have no association or connection to any relay or order gathering services, we're real just like our clients.

Our history and a little bit more about us and our clients

  • Our first Florist Window ecommerce client launched on 23rd December 2009 and they're still with us today, Mel and her team at
  • Our first florist client Flowers by McDowell we started working for in August 2003 under UK Superweb which has now transformed into Florist Window, David and his team are still with us today and we're very proud of our long standing relationship
  • Our UK Florist Map shows real local flower shops we work for in the UK that make up
  • We make no profit from our florist client sales, our clients sales are their own! Florist Window generates income by charging a rental fee for the use of our software each month, our prices are available online.
  • We want our florists websites to look good, we're always looking to go one better each and every time we launch a new site. We want our clients websites to be easy to use without clutter so that consumers like yourself can order flowers online quickly and easily from any device Desktop, Tablet or Smartphone. Browse our florist client portfolio, we're constantly developing our software adding new features so that together we stay in touch with an ever evolving www.

If you have any questions about Florist Window or if you would like to provide us with feedback please get in touch.

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